The Ultimate Guide To Taming Frizzy Hair.

Frizzy hair is a frustrating and time consuming issue for so many of us. In this post I will go over the different types of frizzy hair and how to manage them. There are a few fundamental changes in our daily routine that will combat frizzy hair. With some subtle adjustments, these issues will be minimized and we can regain control of our hair for good. Frizzy hair can be caused by humidity, excessive heat exposure, over processing with chemical treatments or natural dryness in the hair. Curly hair tends to be naturally dry, for this reason the hair craves […]

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The Ultimate Guide To The Difference Between Balayage And Highlights.

The ultimate guide to the difference between balayage and highlights

This is the ultimate guide to the difference between balayage and highlights. In this post we delve into lightning techniques so you can have a better understanding of what is best for you. The short answer is that the difference between highlights and balayage is the application technique. Balayage is a French word which means ‘sweeping’, and this is quite literally what balayage is. To sweep the hair, or to paint it in a sweeping motion using the brush and lightener. Traditionally highlights are applied from root to tip in a uniform fashion, usually after weaving the section of hair […]

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What Causes Oily Hair And How To Fix It.

Oily or greasy hair is a common issue that causes a lot of frustration and discomfort. A question I am asked frequently in the salon is: What causes oily hair and how to fix it? Oily hair is the result of a variety of factors including unhealthy eating habits, exercise, medications, stress, hormonal fluctuations, incorrect products and hair care, and even changes in climate. Often the assumption is that we need to shampoo more frequently, but this can be a vicious cycle. Over shampooing can strip away the natural oils, called sebum, leaving the hair vulnerable. As a result, the […]

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10 Common Mistakes That Cause Hair Breakage And How To Fix Them

Hair breakage is a distressing and common problem which is caused by a variety of factors. These include general mishandling, dryness and over processing. This is different to split ends, which is when the ends of the hair is dry, brittle or frayed. While these two problems seem similar, the causes are different and so is the treatment. I have created a table of 10 common mistakes that cause hair breakage and how to fix them below. In this post I will go into detail on how to fix them in order to answer the question: Why is my hair […]

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How To Choose The Perfect Hair Color For Your Complexion and Skin Tone.

Have you ever wondered why one hair color looks great on one person and terrible on another? When it comes to hair color, one size does not fit all. When choosing the perfect color for our hair we should start by determining our skin complexion (undertone). But what does this mean exactly? In this post I delve into details about how to choose the perfect hair color for your complexion and skin tone. It is important to differentiate between skin tone and complexion. Skin tone is determined by how much melanin (pigment) our skin contains. Higher melanin content means darker […]

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How To Understand Hair Color, Shades And Tones.

The first step in empowerment is understanding. This post is for anyone who has experienced frustration with their color and not understood why, or for anyone considering a big color change. Learning how to understand hair color, shades and tones will empower you to make more informed decisions about your hair. The shade, or depth of your hair is how light or dark it is. On a hair color box, the shade is represented by the first number, with 1 being the darkest black and 10 being the lightest platinum blonde. The tone refers to the degree of warmth or […]

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9 Essential Things You Need For Optimal Hair Health

We understand now, more than ever, how important it is to have a good hair health routine at home. We can’t always get to the salon, so the aim of this post is to empower and equip you with the know how to take care of your hair between appointments. I’ve compiled a list of 9 essential things you need for optimal hair health. 1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet 2. Take any necessary supplements 3. Invest in a filter for your shower 4. Use a silk pillowcase 5. Avoid vigorous brushing, especially wet hair 6. Use the correct shampoo […]

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The 10 Most Important Things You Need Your Hairstylist To Know About Your Hair!

In this post I will go through the 10 things you should consider and discuss with your stylist before having your hair done. This list will help you to get a better idea of what you would like to achieve, so you can go into your appointment with greater clarity. Your stylist can then help you to map out the best strategy to achieve your goals. A good consultation is the foundation of a successful hair appointment. Most salons offer a free consultation service which is a crucial step for you and your stylist to discuss your hair goals, hair […]

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The ultimate guide to your hair during and after pregnancy.

Pregnant woman

Hormones, vitamin levels and dietary changes during pregnancy and postpartum affect our hair in different ways. In this post I’ve created the ultimate guide to your hair during and after pregnancy. What can we do to take extra care of our hair during this (and challenging) time? Read on to find out. Many women report thicker, healthier hair during pregnancy. This is due to the release of the hormone estrogen which causes natural hair loss to slow down. Others report hair loss, which can be caused by anaemia (iron deficiency) or hormonal shifts. Postpartum hair loss is very common as […]

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How To Choose The Perfect Haircut For Your Face Shape

Lady with long hair

When it comes to haircuts, one size doesn’t fit all. There are many factors to take into consideration when choosing your perfect haircut. Your hair type, face shape and how much time you are willing to spend on your hair are some major considerations. In this article we will discuss the different face shapes, how to tell which face shape you have and what haircut is best suited for you. There are six main face shapes. Oval, heart, square, round, diamond and oblong. The best way to figure out your face shape is to take your hair back into a […]

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