Everything You Need To Know Before Going Blonde!

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With the temperatures rising and summer in full swing, so many of us decide that this is the perfect time to go blonde. This might seem like a great decision to make on impulse, I mean, blondes do have more fun right? In this post we delve into everything you need to know before going blonde! There are many things to consider before taking the plunge and bleaching those locks. In this post we delve deep into the details about what it entails to go blonde and if it’s the right decision for you. Before you consider making the change, […]

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The Ultimate Guide To The Difference Between Balayage And Highlights.

The ultimate guide to the difference between balayage and highlights

This is the ultimate guide to the difference between balayage and highlights. In this post we delve into lightning techniques so you can have a better understanding of what is best for you. The short answer is that the difference between highlights and balayage is the application technique. Balayage is a French word which means ‘sweeping’, and this is quite literally what balayage is. To sweep the hair, or to paint it in a sweeping motion using the brush and lightener. Traditionally highlights are applied from root to tip in a uniform fashion, usually after weaving the section of hair […]

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