The Ultimate Guide To Shampooing Your Hair Correctly!

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Hint: Most of us have been doing it wrong!! When it comes to hair health, shampooing is the most basic, most regular thing to do to maintain and care for our hair. How is it though, that most of us are doing it wrong? There are so many misconceptions about hair washing, and I will go into detail below about how to do it the right way to ensure maximum hair health in the ultimate guide to shampooing your hair correctly! Choose the right shampoo This sounds easier than it actually is, and often involves some trial and error. Our […]

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How To Properly Protect Your Hair From The Sun

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I recently posted a reel on my instagram talking about SPF for hair and I received many questions about it. For this reason I decided to do a whole post on hair care in the sun and what we can do to prevent sun damage. We are hyper aware of the affect the sun has on our skin and we all know we should be using SPF every day on our skin, but what about our hair? Read on to learn how to properly protect your hair from the sun. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amanda […]

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10 Common Mistakes That Cause Hair Breakage And How To Fix Them

Hair breakage is a distressing and common problem which is caused by a variety of factors. These include general mishandling, dryness and over processing. This is different to split ends, which is when the ends of the hair is dry, brittle or frayed. While these two problems seem similar, the causes are different and so is the treatment. I have created a table of 10 common mistakes that cause hair breakage and how to fix them below. In this post I will go into detail on how to fix them in order to answer the question: Why is my hair […]

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How To Understand Hair Color, Shades And Tones.

The first step in empowerment is understanding. This post is for anyone who has experienced frustration with their color and not understood why, or for anyone considering a big color change. Learning how to understand hair color, shades and tones will empower you to make more informed decisions about your hair. The shade, or depth of your hair is how light or dark it is. On a hair color box, the shade is represented by the first number, with 1 being the darkest black and 10 being the lightest platinum blonde. The tone refers to the degree of warmth or […]

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9 Essential Things You Need For Optimal Hair Health

We understand now, more than ever, how important it is to have a good hair health routine at home. We can’t always get to the salon, so the aim of this post is to empower and equip you with the know how to take care of your hair between appointments. I’ve compiled a list of 9 essential things you need for optimal hair health. 1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet 2. Take any necessary supplements 3. Invest in a filter for your shower 4. Use a silk pillowcase 5. Avoid vigorous brushing, especially wet hair 6. Use the correct shampoo […]

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What You Need To Know Before Doing A Keratin Treatment.

Keratin; some swear by it and others swear against it. In this blog we take an in-depth look at keratin, how does it work and how to take care of your hair after a treatment. Most of all, is it safe? Keratin is a protein which is found in our hair naturally. Keratin treatments are designed to bond the protein to the cuticles of our hair, smoothing and flattening them. This results in soft, shiny hair which is easier to manage and frizz free. The treatment is extremely popular but has had it’s fair share of controversy and bad press, […]

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